When the autumn winds blow, most leaves have lost their energy and the cloud banks are like meringues. Then we offer warming sauces for autumn's wild food. This fairy-blossom-cracking beauty who crawls down the throat like the ligth queen Lucia. In a golden yellow colour, this celebratory sauce is an exemplary feature on the autumn festive table. Hot as a desert wind, fresh as a winter's morning and crispy as a crust, this rich sauce works excellently with most things.
Try a new exciting way to enjoy food? Try our cloudberry sauce! This golden hot sauce is full of flavor from the vast northern moors and is a real delicacy. It has a full flavor of cloudberry, mild of parsnip and a fruity heat of Habanero Lemon. Our sauces are the perfect way to bring out the natural flavors of venison, and we have a variety of flavors to choose from so you can find the perfect balance for your taste buds. So why not go on an adventure and try something new today? You will not be disappointed with our sauces.
Our sauces are the perfect way to bring out the natural flavors of venison. We have a variety of flavors to choose from, so you can find the perfect balance for your taste buds. Whether you're an adventurous eater or just looking for something new, our Acorn Sauce is sure to please
Buy a fantastic taste experience to enjoy at home, or buy and give this tasty chili sauce made from horseradish as an appreciated gift. Surprise someone you like with a simple but luxurious and above all - appreciated gift of taste!
Serving suggestion: Goes well with grilled, root vegetables, game, reindeer, smoked salmon, steak, cold cuts, spicy sausages, hamburgers, meat skewers, lasagna. Redcurrant jam is mainly used as dessert and dessert, this sauce has a very wide range of uses as it is suitable for basically all foods. Warm Camembert or Brie cheese with blackcurrant jam is a real highlight, try it with my Blackcurrant sauce and you will reach new heights.
The dogwood is a low perennial herb that can grow barely three centimeters high and has a creeping rhizome. The leaves are kidney-shaped and five- to seven-lobed. The hornwort begins to bloom in May in southern Sweden, in the north in June-July with large white flowers that usually sit alone. The flowers are unisexual and the species is dioecious, that is, male and female flowers are on different specimens. The fruits are large and tasty, at first red and enclosed by sepals but as ripe yellow, juicy soft and free from the drooping sepals.
Chili sauce is delicious and the fruit chili itself has an interesting history. Chili has been used in America since 7500 BC. where archaeological findings were found that show that chili was cultivated in Ecuador as early as 6,000 years ago. Perhaps the chili was already discovered by the Vikings, signs have been found that they went far away in America.
Perhaps the chili was already discovered by the Vikings, signs have been found that they went far away in America.
Despite its strength, the Habanero is popular, thanks in large part to its fine, healthy fruitiness. Strength of "regular" Habanero is around 500,000 Scoville degrees. Our Habanero Lemon is around 300,000.
Ingredients: Cloudberries, parsnips, raw cane sugar (11%), water, honey, apple cider vinegar, garlic, Habanero Lemon, sea salt, fenugreek, coriander, turmeric
Nutrition declaration 100g: Energy 504 kJ/119 kcal; Fat 0.7 g (saturated fat 0.1 g); Carbohydrates 26 g (of which sugars 21 g); Protein 1.9 g; Salt 0.7 g