An excursion worth a detour!

Welcome home to my farm shop here at Sörgården Måla on the north shore of Hjälmaren - it's worth both an excursion and a detour.
My farm shop is in the barn here on my little farm, in the old pig barn. The farm was formed and built in 1856 in connection with the farm being moved. The barn was built around the turn of the century in 1900, but the farm as such has considerably older origins. In my own underground cellar under the house, finds from the 16th century have been found!
Here in the area, the farm is known (or rather infamous) as "Klangens", after Hjalmar Klang who lived here for many years. It was a gunpowder man who was notorious for being so angry, but he was also a multi-tasker who did a lot here on the farm. Among other things, he built boats in the woodshed and opened a hole in the wall so that he could poach in the meantime... But I myself am neither angry nor shooting from the woodshed.
So feel warmly welcome to my farm shop. The range is basically my own products, the same ones that I sell here on the website, but in addition I offer different products that I myself like. Preferably locally produced and organic products
Open weekdays 9-16
If you want to come at a different time, just call in advance. I'm usually at home on the farm - I live here and also have my production here - besides, it's the case that I don't want to leave this place.
Welcome to visit!